Friday 12 February 2010

A Not So Traditional Chinese New Year Tradition...

The Kids on Air family followed the Chinese New Year tradition of a family reunion dinner in class today. All the kids seemed to be using chopsticks for the first time, and they enjoyed trying it out. And what food did they try it out on? No, not rice or noodles....but hamburgers!

Edmund and his burgerNatalie and her burger

Audrey's healthy veg.

Cheris and Chloe having a chat over dinner
Arvin eating rice

Thursday 11 February 2010

From First Touch Piano to MusikPiano

I am so glad that some of my First Touch Piano students have completed the recent module and been promoted to MusikPiano for more advanced piano learning.
After studying few modules of First Touch Piano, they have built up some basic musicianship and their confident in playing piano. Let’s keep it up and I am sure you will do a great job in MusikPiano Class too.

Congratulation…… Claudia, Emma, Marcus and Milla.

Claudia Mak

Emma To

Marcus Wong

Milla Cheung

There’re some fun pics of their last lesson.

You are so funny Sze Wing....... :P

First Touch Piano Sat 2:30pm

First Touch Piano Sun 11:00am

Kids, let’s continues our music journey and one day you will move on to the next step of piano learning too.